Camp Devens, Mass.,
Friday Evening

Dear Win:-

Well, I suppose while I am sitting on my bunk writing this letter to you, you are having a grand time in Bath. I was so very glad you had a chance to get away from the University for a short while. It will do you a lot of good.

I was so pleased to get your nice long letter this week. Of course next week's letter will be late in coming because you will be away. so I won't expect it for Tuesday, but Wednesday or Thursday.

Gee! I do hope you will land that Cohasset job, and that you will like it. Also, that you have a good job waiting you in the fall, somewhere not too far from mother, because if you are not in Uncle Sam's service. you want to stay as near mother as possible, until I get home again.

I do not see how you can stand it to have so much work to do. You must be careful because I think that you will have a reaction when school closes if you work so hard now. I suppose the work must be done, but for heavens sake don't kill yourself. Let someone else look after the carpenters and plumbers and so forth, for a while. I suppose I don't understand, but I do think it unwise to make yourself sick with it all. It is mighty nice that they trust you with their work, but there is a limit to human endurance, you know dear brother.

Yes, Win it would be mighty nice if I could go to Maine to see you graduate, but really it is a large expense for three or four days. And another thing, I had much rather give you the money than give it to the railroads. I shall be so terribly dissapointed if I cannot go, but I have not decided which to do. By-the-way Win, will you write me and tell me how you are coming out financially with the three hundred. I tell you what I am planning on giving you for a graduation present, and that is some noney towards a new suit for you. You must or ought to have a blue or or black suit, (a nice one) and you are to have it. I want my brother looking just as good as the next fellow, so Win, I have twenty dollars towards a new suit for you for your present. I have talked with mother about it and she said she would give you the rest of the amount, so you could get a good suit. I think twenty dollars from me going into a suit for you would be much wiser to do than giving it to the railroads. It hurts to sacrifice my four years ambition, but I can gladly do it, if it will only help you. While mother goes to Maine and has a good time then I will be happy. Mother is having some very pretty clothes made for the trip. She has a beautiful bran-new[sic] blue silk dress being made, and has her black silk dress fixed over wonderfully, has some new shoes, new suit made over from one of Mrs. Osgood's which is practically new, and she is going to buy a new hat and some white kid gloves, and other small things. Mother is so patiently waiting for the time and I laid the law down to her and told her to spend the money and have a good time for once. Brother dear, don't misunderstad me, because I really long to come, but I think it best to be considerate of my pocket book, you understand?

I'm glad you refused to go to Colby on the Y.M.C.A. errand, because you have enough to do. I think you were wise.

April 19th was no holiday for us. We were on the range and in the afternoon rode horseback. But next Saturday the entire train are going to Worcester where we play Worcester Tech at ball in the afternoon and then there is a dance in the evening. We are all going to have special passes, so I'm going to beat it right home for the weekend. They told me I could have a pass this weekend, too if I wanted one, but I let it by, as mother and Doris and Wilfrid are coming up Sunay I expect now.

I suppose today in Milford the Christian Endeavor County Convention is in full swing. I'd rather like to be there, but duty says "I cannot", so behold I'm here at Camp Devens. well and almost happy.

You spoke abput troop trains going through Orono, and the people at home knowing when they are due. Well, for me, all I can say is, I would not take the chance on telling such movements, althought I may constantly know of such. In the first place it is disobeying orders, and then again, even the dust of the earth has ears. Get me?

Yes, Atty is in the Gas Defense Department of the Ordnance. Sometime I will tell you what our Major said about men joining the Quartermaster's and Ordnance Departments. It's rich.

Tomorrow night (Saturday) Elmer Damon, Charlie Marsden and myself are going to see "Henpecked Harry" at the Liberty Theatre. It's a comical play. Tuesday night we saw "Twin Beds" as I told you. Oh, we are going it, all right.

Well, I am now Acting Top-Sergeant of the Headquarters Detachment, began last Thursday.

I guess I will close for this time. Be sure and let me know about your money affairs, and so forth. Heaps of love to you my dear from

Your loving brother


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