[This letter was apparently sent to Mort's mother, Annie Dennett, who forwarded it to Win. She added a note to the top of the letter which read:
Cannot send Morts souviener card to you as I have not a envelope will send it later on. Mother]

July 28, 1918
"On Board Ship"

Dear Brother:-

Just a few lines to you today from your "kid" brother to show you that I am thinking of you as well a the rest of the dear people at home. I suppose about the time you get this letter it will certainly be way into the month of August, and perchance this letter will be forwarded to Wells Beach. Gee! I hope you and mother get to Wells this summer as I know the vacation would do mother a heap of good. Perhaps you have or are already been to New Hampshire up with the Atwells. It's very nice of them to invite you, and I hope you were able to accept, even if it was for but a week.

There is no need or good in mother worrying about me, because God will take care of me, and I feel sure that before long I will be back home with you all once more, and when I do won't we have a glorious time? I really do not hardly know what my vocation will be after the war, whether I will keep in the Post Office or not. I may for a while. However, something may turn up that I do not know of now. I guess it's time enough to worry about that yet.

Believe me we had some busy days at camp before we left. It seemed that I could not get time to write you a decent letter before I left, but you understood all right, I guess.

I have written to mother today too. I am feeling fine and dandy, but longing to get those letters that I know are on their way for me from you both. I have even thought not only of you all during the day but even in my sleep I've dreamt of you. I shall never stop talking when I get home again.

I shall "fermez ma letter maintenant" and will write you a longer letter when I land as soon as possible. Heaps and heaps of love to you dear brother, and best wishes for your school work. Watch out carefully for mother, won't you?

Your loving brother, Mort


Contents Copyright © by Charles R. Dennett.

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