
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Durgin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Durgin, Charles [I0050] 18 May 1801   Cram, Jane [I0051] Durgin, Zebulon Stillson, Lettice
Durgin, James [I0492] about 1764 Smith, Susan [I0493] Durgin, William , Martha
Durgin, Martha [I0039] 8 July 1830 31 October 1912 Dennett, Winburn Russell [I0038] Durgin, Charles Cram, Jane
Durgin, Trueworthy [I0490] 1714 16 December 1787 Durrell, Mary [I0491] Durgin, James Smith, Susan
Durgin, William [I0494] 1643 1701 , Martha [I0495]  
Durgin, Zebulon [I0270] 19 July 1754 12 October 1812 Stillson, Lettice [I0489] Durgin, Trueworthy Durrell, Mary